The BioCharger™ NG provides a touch-free, safe, reflective, rejuvenating full body treatment; proven to restore strength, stamina, coordination, and mental clarity.
With the BioCharger™, you can experience improved energy levels, less pain, better sleep, greater focus, faster recovery, and more. BioCharger™ NG, based on Teslas and Rife technology, is the most advanced subtle energy platform in the world, using frequencies, light therapy, voltage, and PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic fields).
At Cutler Integrative Medicine, we select the very best scientifically validated therapies from conventional and alternative/natural systems to address the whole person, encompassing the physical, emotional, social, environmental, mental, and spiritual aspects of health and illness.
All of the therapies on this page are used in Naturopathic care but have nothing to do with being medically trained as a Naturopathic Physician. MDs/DOs can take weekend courses in these modalities, and the public can take certifications in natural and holistic therapies, but they all lack the specialty and extensive training as a Naturopathic Physician. It is the naturopathic doctor’s role to remove barriers to good health by helping to create a healing internal and external environment.
The high voltage/low current frequencies generated by the BioCharger™ NG platform ionize the noble gases into a plasma state. This produces a field of EM frequencies enriched with plasma photon light. Biophotons have been described as “coherent bio-laser light emanating from the DNA of every living cell.” All living organisms exhibit bioluminescence or electromagnetic auric field that pervades the entire organism, and living cells produce coherent light with a laser-like quality. This coherence acts to regulate cellular metabolism, growth, and reproduction rates. Biophotons can be considered to be packets of transmitted information stored in the light field inside and outside a living organism.
Every cell in the body has a measurable difference in electrical voltage across the outer cell membrane. This voltage is called the trans-membrane potential and it powers proper cell function, regulating the intake of nutrients and elimination of wastes from the cell. Nobel prize winner Otto Von Warburg confirmed that normal, healthy cells have trans-membrane potentials of approximately 70 to 100 millivolts, while fatigued, impaired, and sick cells exhibit progressively lower voltages. This can drop to as low as 15 millivolts in cancerous, diseased cells. The BioCharger™ platform generates a rich electromagnetic energy field that bathes the whole body simultaneously from head to toe – brain matter to bone marrow. This field replicates a full spectrum of natural frequencies that exist in the terrestrial atmosphere all around us, all the time. Each molecule, cell, or organ of the body has a unique electromagnetic frequency and signature. If a cell or organ is imbalanced, its normal frequency is slightly altered and detuned. By broadcasting a rich EM field that inherently includes each cell’s normal healthy frequencies, the BioCharger™ re-introduces the optimum energy blueprint and its optimal resonant frequency.
The nervous system regulates all muscular movements via neurons, which convey signal information from one location to another.. The transmission of nerve impulses generates electrical signals – and all electrical fields have associated magnetic fields located at 90 degrees (perpendicular) to them. Therefore, the nervous system is a primary energy system and the source of bio-magnetic fields within and around the body. If the nervous system is disturbed, or the transmission of electrical signals is impaired, this can impede biological function, muscular movement, and physical coordination. Peak health, as well as athletic performance, is directly impacted.
The BioCharger™ requires no physical contact and its operation is non-invasive. You simply place yourself in a relaxed position, sitting or standing, approximately 3-5 feet from the unit and let the transmitted energy waves pour through you. You do not have to attach any wires, pads, electrodes, or other devices. The electromagnetic waves, like radio waves, pass through everything within its broadcast range, which is approximately 10 to 15 feet. However, the power of the field decreases sharply as a function of the distance from the device.
In our research and the experiences of Georges Lakhovsky, the BioCharger™ study for AIDS was 3 times per week for 15 minutes. We have found that a regimen of approximately 5 to 15 minutes per session, several times a week is generally more than sufficient to re-energize the body and boost a weakened immune system. We have actually observed 10 minutes per session to be generally sufficient to energize individuals. With regards to improving and optimizing athletic performance, clients report that in addition to the above regimen, the use of the BioCharger™ NG unit for approximately 15 minutes on the day of an athletic event is very beneficial.
The BioCharger™ NG produces a customizable sweep of digitally pulsed electromagnetic fields that bathes the whole body in a rich field of bio-compatible frequencies, generating bio-photon light via plasma gas spectrum tubes. The body has the inherent ability to selectively absorb the needed frequencies through each cell of the skin, nerves, muscle connective tissues, and organs.
Recent scientific investigations confirm the existence of a subtle energy field around all living organisms, similar to the energy field recorded using thermal imaging technology. This energy consists of natural neuro-electrical frequencies that the body produces or absorbs to facilitate optimum health and cell function. Eastern traditions refer to this energy as Life-force, Chi or Prana, and view illness or sub-optimal biological function as a lack and/or imbalance of this energy. Subtle energy regulates optimum cell function.
Serving Birmingham, West Bloomfield, Troy, Oakland County, and the greater Detroit area.
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