What Causes Hormonal Imbalances?

Hormones regulate many body functions, from metabolism to mood. A hormonal imbalance can cause a wide range of symptoms. Treating hormonal imbalances requires a broader understanding of how the mind and body respond to external and internal factors. Naturopathic medicine can manage your hormonal imbalances without drugs or side effects.

Hormonal Imbalance Detroit

What are Hormonal Imbalances?

Hormonal imbalances occur when something changes the natural balance of our hormones. These signaling molecules command behaviors from cells throughout the body. They have complex interactions, so an imbalance in one area often causes symptoms related to others. Critical hormonal systems include:

Sex Hormones

These hormones control reproductive functioning in men and women, but their actions have effects throughout the body, including in the brain. 

Insulin Hormones

This group of hormones regulates blood sugar, appetite, and overall metabolism. Managing an imbalance early can prevent progression to more serious metabolic issues

Adrenal Hormones

Released by the adrenal glands, these hormones control inflammation and blood pressure and manage the body’s response to stress. 

Thyroid Hormones

The thyroid gland regulates everything from metabolism and weight to energy levels and mood. This powerful gland can have wide-ranging effects throughout the body. 

What Causes Hormonal Imbalances?

Hormonal imbalances often occur as a result of several factors at the same time. Causes of these conditions can include:

  • Age-related changes
  • External toxins and hormones from your environment
  • Food-borne hormones
  • Medications
  • Stress, especially chronic stress
  • Illness
  • Nutritional deficiencies

To develop a treatment plan, Dr. Cutler will assess your lifestyle, exposures, and hormone levels. Your plan will eliminate or manage the underlying causes of your imbalance, allowing your body to return to its natural balanced state.

Do I Have a Hormonal Imbalance?

Many people do not realize they have a hormonal imbalance. Symptoms can mimic other conditions or the effects of aging, including:

  • Migraines
  • Insomnia
  • Weight gain, especially around the abdomen
  • Appetite changes
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings
  • Hot flashes
  • Changes in libido

Before you assume you just have to live with these symptoms, see Dr. Cutler for a full assessment of all the internal and external factors affecting your hormonal wellness. 

How are Hormonal Imbalances Treated?

Dr. Cutler will develop an individualized treatment plan based on your mental and physical wellness and lifestyle. Treatment will often include limiting or eliminating exposure to certain products and other chemicals known to affect hormone levels. 

Dietary changes will improve your vitamin and mineral balance and can also cut out another source of unwanted hormonal triggers. A decrease in weight and increase in physical activity will make a significant difference. Dr. Cutler may also recommend supplements that assist in balancing hormone levels. 


Take the Next Step

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Doug Cutler and his team of expert naturopathic providers to learn more about hormonal imbalances. Call us at (248) 663-0165 today! Cutler Integrative Medicine is dedicated to your health and well-being. 

Cutler Integrative Medicine is a premier award-winning wellness clinic that provides patients with unparalleled individualized naturopathic healthcare. Dr. Doug Cutler is a nationally renowned expert in Naturopathic medicine and has the highest training in his field, as well as in Environmental Medicine, IV Nutrient Therapy, and Detoxification. His ClubIV™ is one of the most extensive IV Nutrient Clinics in the country.

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