Nutrients: These nutrients can be added to an already existing IM formula customized to fit your individualized needs. For every nutrient added to an existing IM formula, one must be removed to avoid exceeding 3 mLs.
Vitamin that is the workhorse anti-oxidant
5 Important B-Vitamins for mood, beauty, and energy
B-Vitamin that improves hair, skin, and nails
Mineral for stronger bones and nails
Breaks down fat and creates energy
Mineral that helps regulate blood sugars and improves peripheral nerve function
B-Vitamin (B-5) helps with ATP production and fatty acid protein synthesis
The Master Anti-Oxidant that supercharges your cells and strengthens your overall health
Amino acid that calms your anxieties
Mineral that relaxes your muscle and calms your anxieties
B-Vitamin (B-12) that increases energy
B-Vitamin (active folate) supports methylation, helps address MTHFR Gene Mutation defects, and helps convert homocysteine to methionine.
Three powerful fat burners provide hormonal support and increase detoxification
A key mineral that helps detoxify toxicants
An amino acid that acts as the Master Osmolyte
An important mineral involved in 200 enzyme reactions that helps boost the immune system and increases collagen production
Homeopathy is based on the principle of similia similibus curentur (“like cures like”) utilizing diluted extracts derived from nature, including plant and mineral compounds. These doses of homeopathic remedies are selected based on an individual’s “specific symptoms” and can have positive effects on both an emotional and physical level. Avoiding the gastrointestinal system by IV/IM injection avoids any change in homeopathic medicine. IV administration is used mainly in acute conditions, and IM administration is primarily used for chronic conditions.
Nutrients: These nutrients can be added to an already existing IV formula or customized to fit your individualized needs. Certain nutrients with an *asterisk are required to be completely alone in an IV bag.
Essential and non-essential amino acids, the building blocks of the body
Amino acid that increases growth hormone (GH) and nitric oxide (NO) production
Vitamin that is the workhorse anti-oxidant
5 Important B-Vitamins for mood, beauty, and energy
B-Vitamin that improves hair, skin, and nails
Mineral for stronger bones and nails
Breaks down fat and creates energy
Mineral that helps regulate blood sugars and improves peripheral nerve function
Mineral that helps eliminate free radicals and metabolizes neurotransmitters
Powerful anti-oxidant that acts as an anti-carcinogenic especially and supports mitochondria.
Powerful anti-inflammatory anti-oxidant that improves exercise performance recovery
B-Vitamin (B-5) helps with ATP production and fatty acid protein synthesis
Supportive anti-oxidant and potent anti-inflammatory
Amino acid fuel source for the immune system, intestines, and colon
The Master Anti-Oxidant that supercharges your cells and strengthens your overall health
Amino Acid that calms your anxieties
Botanical that is a powerful anti-inflammatory, effective anti-viral, and adrenal adaptogen
Powerful oxidative therapy that decreases cell aging and improves circulation.
B-Vitamin (active folate) that supports methylation and helps address MTHFR Gene Mutation
Powerful anti-viral that supports collagen synthesis
Mineral that relaxes your muscle and calms your anxieties
Mineral that protects mitochondrial cells and is involved in nerve function
B-Vitamin (B-12) that increases energy
Three powerful fat burners provide hormonal support and increase detoxification
A key mineral that helps detoxify toxicants
Potent anti-oxidant that supports collagen production and decreases pain
Repairs DNA and increases the growth and efficiency of the mitochondria.
5 Minerals: Chromium, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, and Selenium.
Phospholipid that protects the liver and helps with depression and anxiety
Supportive anti-oxidant that improves liver function and myocardial aging
B-6 Vitamin used in over 100 enzymes that stimulates glycogenolysis in muscles
Mineral that reduces ROS (reactive oxygen species) and improves thyroid function
An amino acid that acts as the Master Osmolyte
An important mineral involved in 200 enzyme reactions that helps boost the immune system and increases collagen production
Serving Birmingham, West Bloomfield, Troy, Oakland County, and the greater Detroit area.
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